first thoughts on opentech 2011
I’ve not had a chance to listen to many of the opentech talks yet. Certainly not the ones I really want to hear, so here are some preliminary thoughts.
I’ve not had a chance to listen to many of the opentech talks yet. Certainly not the ones I really want to hear, so here are some preliminary thoughts.
The Good News is never as good as it appears, and the bad news never as bad.
The Tom Loosemore, Martha Lane Fox et al prototype proof of concept of what a single Government website could look like, became publicly visible this evening.
This is not a metaphor for alphagov:
This is sort of a position of where people think alphagov is today:

The accurate bit is the big political teeth, innaccurate is the ocean going icebreaker.
What #alphagov is at the moment, is something much less grand. It’s not in the ocean, it’s in a canal; and is the rough equivalent of this:
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